
Orientations to US Spanish language education in the 21st century: Teaching national, globalized and minoritized Spanish Conference George Ticknor (‘1807) and his Legacy in the 21st century, Dartmouth College – November 2019

Drawing on Ofelia García’s (2011) three orientations in Spanish language planning and management, this presentation examined the influence of nationalizing, globalizing and minoritizing performances of Spanish on US Spanish language education. 

An introduction to the teaching of languages in the linguistic landscape Masters of Arts in Teaching Spanish, Lecture series in Applied Linguistics, Rutgers University Camden – October 2019

This workshop showcased the linguistic landscape as a learning space, and its applications in sociolinguistic research and language teaching through examples from a project implemented in a summer study-abroad program in Madrid. 

Visiones dinámicas de la cultura local en el paisaje lingüístico: Estudio de caso de un proyecto en el centro de Madrid 101st AATSP Annual Conference – San Diego, July 2019

This presentation described a project in which the students of a study abroad program explored and contrasted the linguistic landscape of five neighborhoods in the center of Madrid. As opposed to "touristic" approaches to study abroad that emphasize experience, immersion and authenticity, the linguistic landscape is an ideal approach to encourage reflection, research and critical distance. In addition, it situates learning in complex contexts in which social, political, cultural and historical meanings interact.

El paisaje lingüístico como contexto de aprendizaje en los programas de lengua extranjera ILCE, Universidad de Navarra – Spain, January 2019

In this presentation, I described a project in which students had to explore and contrast the linguistic landscape of five different neighborhoods in the center of Madrid. By analyzing the data collected by the students and the discussions in the classroom, I evaluated the impact of this project in the development of a critical, dynamic, nuanced, and non-essentialist view of Spanish culture.

Contextualizar y socializar la lectura: estrategias para el desarrollo de comprensión lectora en la enseñanza de segundas lenguas IV Congreso Internacional Virtual de Enseñanza Lectora, Universidad de Murcia – Spain, October 2018

Drawing on the "multiliteracies" framework, in this invited presentation I proposed a pedagogical model to approach authentic texts through reading guides aimed at facilitating collective and situated interpretation. 

The discourse of ‘Spanish as an economic resource’ and the making of a language teaching industry in Spain Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics, ELTE University, Budapest – Hungary, September 2018

Through the critical analysis of institutional documents, promotional materials and public interventions about the value of Spanish and the Spanish language teaching industry, in this presentation I proposed an analysis that breaks down the notion of ‘commodification of language’ into three interrelated processes of branding/promotion/added value, reification/standardization/ control, and monetization/exploitation. 

Observación y evaluación como herramientas de reflexión personal y colectiva en los programas de lengua ILCE, Universidad de Navarra – Spain, January 2018

This presentation considered different instruments and models of classroom observation and teacher assessment available to program directors, coordinators, and teacher trainers. Drawing on the experience and the philosophy of the Spanish language program at Princeton University, I examined the program-wide benefits of a model combining end-of-term self-evaluation and formative, reflective observations of novice teachers. 

Marca España: El español como recurso económico y la industria del ELE Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures at The Graduate Center, CUNY – October 2017

From the 90s, Spain has witness the development of, on the one hand, the field and market of Spanish language teaching (ELE) and, on the other hand, institutional and media discourses about Spanish language as an economic resource. This talk aimed at analyzing the discursive apparatus around the economic value of Spanish and its relation to the engineering of ELE as a market or language industry adopting the model of 'linguistic tourism'.

La posición del profesorado de español/lengua extranjera (ELE) en el dispositivo del español como recurso económico y el ELE como industria de la lengua Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Glotopolítica, Leibniz University, Hannover – Germany, September 2017

This talk examined the commodification of Spanish as a second language (ELE) in Spain to develop a language industry subordinated to the booming tourism market. I tried to situate this issue within the theoretical framework of studies on the commodification of language, and proposed a framework to analyze the effects of processes of commodification on Spanish language teachers as workers.

Aproximación crítica a los discursos del español como recurso económico en la enseñanza de ELE Conference series "Para comprender nuestro tiempo", Universidad de Granada – Spain, May 2017

This presentation used critical discourse analysis to expose the prevalence and the effects of the 'discourse of Spanish as an economic resource' in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) in Spain. A new perspective of ELE as a 'language industry' was proposed in order to consider the influence that issues such as language policy, labor conditions and the relation between power and knowledge may have in different aspects of language teaching, including teaching methods, certification, curricula, teacher training and professional recognition

Diseño curricular: Integración de lengua y contenido cultural por medio de textos/recursos auténticos Workshop at Universidad de León – Spain, May 2017 

This workshop introduced a model of curriculum development to integrate language and culture in foreign language courses. The integrated model was illustrated through examples from the new Spanish language curriculum developed at Princeton University

[A longer version of this workshop was presented at ILCE, Universidad de Navarra – Spain, March 2017]

El servicio en la comunidad como medio de aprendizaje de lengua y concienciación social ILCE Global Seminars & Invited Speaker Series, Universidad de Navarra – Spain, October 2016

This talk examined community service as a way to promote advanced language learning and critical awareness of issues like language discrimination and prejudice

Paradojas de la enseñanza universitaria del español como lengua extranjera en Estados Unidos ASELE Conference, Logroño – Spain, September 2016

This presentation examined the position of the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language in the United States, considering its strengths and weaknesses

Agency and Control in Virtual Exchanges and Computer-assisted Language Learning FLEAT VI Conference, Harvard University, August 2015

This presentation considered theoretical issues related to student agency in virtual exchanges and computer-assisted language learning

Cultural Studies in the Language Classroom: A Focus on Urban Landscapes ACTFL Conference, San Antonio TX, November 2014 (with Mariana Bono and Monserrat Bores, Princeton University)

A session introducing a rationale for courses designed to bridge the gap between language and upper-level literature courses, as well as illustrations from two advanced-level Spanish language courses developed at Princeton University by Monserrat Bores and Mariana Bono

Agency, Authenticity and Control: Lessons from a telecollaborative exchange Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education, University of León - Spain, February 2014

Case study reporting on a telecollaborative exchange between language learners in the US and Spain

Spanish in the United States: Symbolic Capital, Legitimacy and Cultural Representation Dartmouth College, December 2013

Spanish, as a global language, cannot be associated with the idea of a unique and distinct culture.
How does this affect the image of Spanish language and Spanish-speaking communities? What can we do to tackle this issue?

Cultural Learning Outcomes of Study Abroad ACTFL Conference, Orlando FL, November 2013

A proposal for a study abroad syllabus including consciousness-raising activities